
Peter Roper was educated at Cambridge University, England and Harvard University, USA and is a registered architect in Montreal, Canada. He focuses on providing architectural visualization and illustration services for a roster of worldwide clients and urban design charrette groups. His architectural training and experience enables him to specialize in working with project teams to create compelling images at the early stages of a project when design information may be minimal. With partner Mia Gao he also leads the Porto Folio team in executing hand-rendered, computer-generated, and hybrid images of finished designs that in their use of atmospherics, ambiance and entourage seek to present each project in a unique way.

Mia Gao holds a BA in Architecture and a Diploma in Landscape & Art Design and is a Registered Architect and Senior Engineer in China. She began her career at the Kunming Urban Design Institute, China, where she designed and led the execution of a variety of projects that included the disciplines of Urban Design, City Planning, Residential Master Planning and Landscape Master Planning. Fluent in both English and Mandarin, and with a unique understanding of both western and oriental cultures, she leads the Porto Folio team in coordinating and executing compelling images for its Chinese and Asian clients.